Acrylic One Component Water Proofing – Elasticor

Acrylic emulsion based, one component, brush or roller applicable, elastic waterproofing material.
Fields of Application
— Waterproofing of the all types of flat or sloping roofs like concrete, plaster, asbestos cement, tile, aluminum, zinc, PVC, asphalt (at least one year old).
— Waterproofing of north side of buildings.
— For crack bridging.
— Ready to use, easily applicable with brush and roller.
— Low labor cost.
— 600% elastic.
— Water vapor permeable.
— Highly resistant to UV rays.
— Elastic at low temperatures.
— Over paintable.
— The substrate must be solid, dry, free of dust, loose parts, paint, wax, oils, rust and traces of gypsum. Cementitious substrates must be cured.
— Use SGP500 or a mixture of ELASTICOR and fine sand (3 parts of sand 1 part of ELASTICOR) in case of any loose and uneven substrates to get a sound and flat surface.
— Before application, prime the surface with ELASTICOR diluted with water at 1/4 ratio. For metal surfaces use an anti-corrosion primer. Do not dilute unless used as a primer.
— Apply on to the surface in two or preferably three coats with brush or roller. Total thickness of application should be 1.0-1.5 mm
— Waiting time between the applications of two layers is about 4 hours depending on the temperature. Additives which are not recommended in data sheet should not be used.
— Pail should be closed while waiting. Freezing should be avoided.
— Insert a 4.5×4 mm mesh in the first layer of ELASTICOR when operating around expansion joints, joints between horizontal and vertical surfaces, areas with small cracks or places subject to stress. After the mesh has been laid apply a second layer of ELASTICOR.
— Do not apply in extremely hot weather, under direct sunlight and when strong wind, fog, rain or frost is expected. Lower temperatures and higher relative humidity will lengthen the drying process.
— If ELASTICOR applied surfaces is subject to foot traffic, cover the surface with a flooring compound or tiles.
— Use at least S1 type flexible tile adhesive for tiling. — Sanding ELASTICOR applied surface before drying improves adhesion strength on it.
— For further information refer to safety datasheet.
— Low temperature and high humidity may elongate drying time.
— The surface to be applied should not be dump.
— Do not use for the areas exposed to water permanently.
— Indicated consumption is a general information. It may change depending on the application conditions and surface properties.
— Store in temperatures from 5°C to 35°C in original sealed packing.
— 20 kg plastic pails.